The Blame Game

Today on the Blame Game! We have two really special guests, one is a Backstreet Boy, and one is a stupid whore please welcome Nick Carter AKA "The 13 year old fudge packer" and Mandy Wilford AKA "The phsycho blond teenybeater"

Nick: Mandy, U are such a bitch!! I cant beleive u !! U treated me and all my fans like shit and U are to blame!!

Mandy: Ah ah ah Nicky, U are to blame, remember, cheaters never prosper

Nick: oh god Mandah!! Shut up u fuckeroni(I LOVE THAT! LOL)

Mandy: like, whatever

Judge: welcome to the Blaaaaaaaaame Game!!!(crowd starts to cheer)

Nick and Mandy are seated in the chairs by Counsler Cherise and Counsler Gascan

Counsler Cherise: Ok Nick, lets hear your side of the story

Nick: well, everything was going great for two years, we met in a recording studio and loved eachother ever since, but then she started to act like a bitch. She stole my family's big screen TV that was a special gift from JIVE, she slapped my best friend for listening to a BSB song and she was very abusive to me and my fans

Counsler Cherise: some girlfriend mandy honey, lets hear your side of the story!!

Mandy: like shut up u miss "I'm Perfect". Like Nick was the ass, I heard he was bein a little cheater and thats not good when u are gettin it on with a little teen cough*Lizzie*cough. And after u said I was the bad one u broke up with me and that wasn't very nice!

Counsler Cherise: Nick were there any little kinks in your relationship besides those? Tell me some rude things she has done

Nick: well lets see, at a BSB concert when I was singing "If U Want it to be Good Girl" she took off her top and started dancing around. I also heard that she was continuously beating my fans at a recent concert because they were holding up signs that said "Nick point ur erection in my direction"

Counsler Gascan: Well Nick I'm sure Mandy(interrupted)

Mandy: Lets just get on with it can't u just see that fat tub of lard has done enough!!

Judge: Well, we'll see whos to blame stay tuned!"


Judge: And we are back! We are going to check out these guy's files, that might clear some things up on whos to blame

Nick and Mandy are sitting at a table

Mandy: Nick, you are so horny, admit whats in your Fat man fucking file

Nick: ok fine, everyone needs a little love, Lou Pearlman was lonely, so i just decided to pleasure him! 

Mandy: HA! Lovahs!

Nick: Mandah, youre so stupid, admit whats in your BSB knoledge file


Nick: hahahaha! I'm gettin more points than u! HAHAHA

Mandy: oh shut up!

Mandy: Nick, youre so idiotic, admit whats in your pilots degree file

Nick: Ok fine! I thought I could fly! Is it a big deal if i try and fly off my roof?

Nick: Mandy you are so demented, admit whats in your lippo suction file

Mandy: fine, i tried to give myself lippo suction with a spoon

Nick: U are a sicko!

Mandy: U know what Nick, i am sick of u! You are the one who needs lippo suction you fat tub o blub!

Nick starts crying and runs off the stage

Judge Ginger: well, that was something, Cherise, go find Nick and we'll be riiiight back!


Judge Ginger: and we are back! Now we are going to hear the real deal with these 2! Lets go!

Counsler Gascan: Mandah, I have heard some things from you about Nick, and, some other girl. Would u like to tell me everything you know?

Mandy: yea

Nick throws her a dirty look

Mandy: well, it all started when I was hearing things from Chris Kikrpatrick, of Nsync, that he'd been seeing his ex girlfriend, Lizzie Donovan of Made In Paridise, with Nick at places like the movies and the mall, and he once even saw them kissing outside a local McDonalds. Then, like, I was going over to Nick's house to drop off his laxitive, and there was no answer. I looked in the window, and there were Nick and Lizzie doing stuff, like you know.

Judge Ginger: is this true Nick?

Nick: well shes 10 times hotter than u Manduh u freaky bitch

Mandy: me? the freaky bitch? Lizzie is a 13 year old freak chick who dyes her hair 24/7 and eats like a pig whenever she goes to McDonalds!

Suddenly, Lizzie comes running up on stage from the audience

Lizzie: what was that, bitch?


Lizzie pulls out her fist and socks Mandy in her made up face, the crowd goes wild and starts screaming with happiness

Counsler Cherise: yeeaaa Lizzie! Way 2 go!

Lizzie runs up, hugs Nick and then Cherise, then hugs some fat old man in the audience and goes away

Counsler Gascan: well of all the nerve!

Counsler Gascan helps Mandy back into her seat

Counsler Cherise: Now Nick, you aren't the one who did the worst, tell us about what Mandy did to you

Nick: First, whenever something doesn't go her way she takes it out on me by beating me with a stick

audience: awwwww

Nick: and then she took my big screen TV, then she beats my fans also, and she also slapped my best friend!

Audience: *gasp*

Counsler Cherise: god Mandah, bitchy bitchy bitchy

Mandy: like shut up!

Judge Ginger: well now its time for our wintnesses, Nick lets hear from yours!

Brian: Mandy is totally to blame! When i was out with them, Mandy started to flirt with Lou Bega who was sitting right behind us

Judge Ginger: Witness number 2, Mandy's witness

Britney Spears: Nick is like, so totally, like to blame! Cause like, he is like, so totally fat. My girl, like Mandah, is just like, to totally, like, totally good for him *giggles*

Judge Ginger: well that was that, coming up next, the final verdict! stay tuned


Judge Ginger: we are back and ready to go into the Kareoke Chambers! First is Mandy

Counsler Gascan: Hey u guys, does Mandah look like a guy to you?

audience: yes!

Lizzie(from the audience): shes a man, duh!

Then the old man Lizzie hugged: WOW I GET IT! Man, duh, Manduh! hahahahahahahahahahaha

Lizzie rolls her eyes

Counsler Gascan: well the point is shes a girl and girls do that kinda shit, like beat their boyfriends and they like big screen tvs, thats why Mandah is singing "Just a Girl" by No Doubt

Mandy: I'm just a giiiirrrrrrrrlll, a little old me, well dont let me out of your sight, well i'm just a girl, pretty and petiiiiite, so don't let have any riiiiights! OOOOOOOHHHHH I've had it up to HEERRRREEEE!

Counsler Gascan: thank you Mandy

Counsler Cherise, well Nick likes being him, and thats a crazy little boy, at heart that is. So thats why he is going to sing "whats my agi again" by Blink 182

Nick: I tookher out, it was a friday night, i wore cologne, to get the feeling right, we started making off, and she took off my pants and then i turned on the TV!! and thats about the time she walked away from me! Nobody likes you when you're 19!

Counsler Cherise: yeeaeaaaa Nick!

Judge Ginger: you guys know what time it is, its time for the final verdict! Everyone press 1 of u think Nick is to blame, press 2 for Mandy

The audience punches in their choice

Judge Ginger: well, the results are in, 99% of the audience says........................Nick is to blame?

Nick: WHAT?


Judge Ginger: well Mandah, Nick is going to beg you for forgivness, and you can either forgive him, or snap him with the blame game canera and he will be published undre Entertainment mag and have TOTAL humiliation

Nick got down on his knees and looked Mandah straight in the eye

Nick: I.......I....

Just as Mandy is about to take the picture Nick throws up all over the canera

Audience: hahahahahahahahahaha

Then the Blame game music starts playing and everyone starts dancing