The BSB Tiolet Monster
Warning: This story is really sick and garenteed to make you barf. Backstreet Bums Palace is not responsible for any puking. This was just to be funny, its not true thankfully!
Nick has just went to his favorite resterant, Taco Mesa for lunch. He ate a large amount of beans and had to shit REALLY badly(yes, Nick does use the toilet). He went to use the nearest bathroom. Luckilly, there was one at the local gas station. Nick was in such a rush because he needed to poop so bad that he went into the woman's restroom. He had accidently run into Melissa Joan Hart who was crapping her brains out. Embaressed, Nick ran into the Men's. He quickly sat down on the seat but there was a bunch of pee all over it. It was so grose that Nick barfed all over the wall. He was no covered in barf and shitting uncontrolably. Then all of a sudden he heard somthing coming up from the tiolet. Was it a monster? Nick was so scared he started to cry but he couldn't get up or the floor would be covered with diarhea. So he just closed his eyes and pretended to hear nothing. Then all of a sudden Kevin's head popped up from the toilet and Nick went flying while poo came out of his ass. He screamed and ran out of the bathroom. Then Kevin started to cry because he was covered in Nick crap. Nick ran out trailing tiolter paper out of his butt and his pants were off. He ran as fast as he could down the street but the poop would not stop flowing out. Everyone was laughing and finnally Nick got home and sat on the tiolet for an hour releiving himself. As for Kevin, he just never searched the tiolets again.