He's the odd one of the group N Sync, the old fart, he's Chris Kirkpatrick
Chris Kirkpatrick is a very odd man. He has his hair in dreadlocks, and he puts it up in ponytails, weird enough for ya? He had braces recently, i have no clue why he had them so late in age, but they looked weird on him, im glad he got them taken off. Well now to his singing. Lou Pearlman gave him quite a few solos, but he has a girlish voice, why couldnt they have gone out to good use? like to my lance? i think lou pearlman has a crush on J.C, Justin and Chris, he probably hates Lance and Joey though :( Chris sings like a girl. If u listen to him in "I drive myself crazy" , when he tries to sing certain notes, he really does sound like a girl! Well even though Lizzie hates Melissa Joan Hart, im surprised he could even get her to make out with him!!! probably for the publicity. Ive never been able to find this out, but what race is Chris? he isnt black, he isnt mexican, he isnt latino, and he isnt white, so what is he exactly? e mail me if u know this question. Ok, so u can obviously see i dont like chris, and i hope u dont either, so if he ever goes solo, DO NOT BUY HIS CD!!!