Mandy Moore

You probably think I am the kind of person who would hate Mandy Moore. Dude, I like Mandy Moore. Personally, I think shes really cool. She can actually sing, maybe not dance, but she is a "singer" aint she? Shes one of my top faves. I got her CD the first day it came out and I thought it was great. Candy was already my fave song so thats why I rushed like a teenybopper to the mall after skl.

Mandy Is not Britney Spears: She might be a little ditzy like Brit Brit, but she is not fake. She cares about her fans too. Mandy also seems really nice, I don't know her though. Heres a bonus* She doesn't lip sync! She actually sings, like she did at the BSB concert. woohoo!

Candy is a good song: This is the most played song in my household, I swear. My grandma is always like "NO!!!!" when I turn it on, then she leaves the room. My grandma also quotes that all I think about is "That damn Candy song, Genee In a bottel baby, and them boybands!" Thats so me!!!

So everyone whos a Britney fan, its time for you to convert to a Mandy fan. And if you don't like Mandy, listen to her CD, if your opinion doesn't change.....oh well.

another pic of the blonde just for you