Suckier than Life
overveiw on the suckiest BSB video ever made
Larger than Life is soo stupid its not even funny. The BSB just made fools of themselves and made the Korn and Limp fans laugh them off even harder. "Music Of My Heart" by Nsync and Gloria Estephan is better. This may sound crazy but it is. What are the BSB wearing? Are they supposed to be robots? Well Nick is and it is so dumb when all those other robots dance with him. His face is all pale and he looks really bad. he needs to cut his hair in it also. At least it wasn't as long as it was at the VMAs. He looked so funny. Brian is surfing through the air on some thing. His hair is spiked and he looks funny also. Kinda cute know. Howie looks the worst. That tight outfit makes us even sicker than when we look at him wearing normal clothes. His hair is in braids and uuuhhhh its so nasty! AJ looks like he always does and its stupid how Kevin looks. Wait a sec, he always looks stupid. WE both get really mad at the end when all those chicks and robots and shit are dancing with them. Their dance moves are extremely gay and those girls just get on our nerves. They always have and they probably always will. Overall this video sucked nuts Nonono!! I'm not saying not to vote for Larger Than Life! You are aware that you still gotta vote for it! They could use all the help they can get gay or non gay music video. They are BSB!!! Go vote after you see this site!!! you know just go!!