Thank Yous

here are thank yous for everyone who had anything to do with this fantastic website!

The people that were in some of our stories(and knew about it) Thanks Melech, Cherise, Brooky and Angela for being in some of the disgusting part fo the stories. Remember this was ur choice but thanks for lettin us put u guys in!

Our parents: Our parents are the people that supplied our computers! If it wasn't for them getting us computers then we couldn't have anything to build this on! how sad would that be!

The people that invented computers: thanks we love ya!

Manduh, Leighanne and all the cheesy BSB girlfriends: U gave us something to hate! There needed to be hatred on this, especially u Mandy, u gave us someone to want to kill. Leighanne ur cool! Samantha Stonebreaker is a weirdo

Da Phat Farm: Becca n Chenny you gave us the true meaning of BSB humor! Yea! Plus u gave us the idea to make this brilliant creation

Nsync: u guys are cool. Wannabes but u guys deserve credit. Ginger: I LOVE U LANCE!

Ginger's thanks 2 Lizzie: If it wasn't for you i wouldn't be where I am right now. I probably would just like BSB. keyword: like. Where can i get with that? Because of your obsession I got to become obsessed and now we have something else to talk about and other jokes to laugh at too. Like, i wouldn't be laughing at AJ's cowboy hats or Brian's cheekbones right now if it wasn't for you. U made me see a whole new world into the new age of pop, and if I marry Lance, THANK U!! Lizzie, I love u

Lizzie's Thanks 2 Ginger: Ginger, without you i would be alone making dis website and i would give up halfway in, like i almost did with Lizzie's World. U thought up with some REALLY funny jokes, like Nick blowing up, AJ and Whoopi Golburg, Garth Brooks, LOUIS PRIMA! Who would be my psycho Lance lover also? U have played the perfect role as a best friend. U are so much fun to be around and I had a GREAT time making this site with u!

The Backstreet Boys: There are the big rock groups like Korn, there are the cool ska groups like No Doubt, The evil groups, like 5ive, the singing slut sensations like Britney Spears, but there is nothing like you guys. The BSB rule the pop scene but we could care less how famous you are. We love you no matter what. You guys gave us something to talk about, laugh about, cry about and think about. There has been so much going on with you guys and we are the first girls too find out what the scoop is. And there seriously would be no BS Bums without you. Thank you guys, for being the Backstreet Boys.